ECBBIA Update: January 2017

Notes from the January Design Committee Meeting
(takes place the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 11 a.m.):

As a first actionable step after the Complete Boulevard Study, the ECBBIA will be working on the intersection of Menlo and ECB to create a “showcase block”. There will be pavers, a greenway, and bulb outs. If you’re interested in volunteering to help with planting plants in this section, email

The ECBBIA will be working with the city to put it in the budget for 2018 to add in the side streets to be included in maintenance activities. Currently, we as residents living on the side streets are paying a special tax into the Maintenance Assessment District. Right now, all that money is being spent along ECB, not the side streets (despite property owners on the side streets contributing money to this fund). This is my personal biggest qualm with the ECBBIA and the city. They need to add in side streets to receive the maintenance we are paying for.

I’ve suggested they work with Hoover High to put in trash cans around the school that the school would empty. This is just one idea. If you want to make a suggestion of where they should use this new money if they get it into the budget, please show up to the meetings and let your voice be heard.

Notes from the Economic Development Committee Meeting
(takes place the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 11 a.m.):

Discussed PopUp15, Fair@44, and Little Saigon District incubation projects.

Fair@44 (every Wednesday from 11 a.m.-7:30 p.m. at ECB and 44th) has a lease through September 2017 and will push for a longer lease. They will continue with the market each Wednesday and will be adding more events and usage to the lot in the upcoming weeks and months. Supporting Fair@44 supports business startups! 6 businesses have been created with help from Fair@44 organizer City Heights CDC. 5 of those businesses are women-owned, many are immigrant-owned. The CDC provides direction and help for entrepreneurs to get the legal paperwork and things they need accomplished to realize their business goals.

PopUp15 on the corner of ECB and the 15 is just starting up. They are working with a landscape architect and regular architect. Volunteers are needed to help install landscaping. I would love to organize a gardening team similar to Kensington’s Garden Angels to help realize this project. Have plants to donate? Tools the crew can use? Want to come and donate your time and labor? Contact me or email

In the works – wifi access for the entire Boulevard!