Talmadge Fire Safe Council

Talmadge Fire Safe Council (TFSC) is a volunteer organization established to promote fire safety for all residents of Talmadge. The mission of the Talmadge Fire Safe Council (Tal-FSC) is to provide a neighborhood forum for the exchange of information through proactive outreach, education, and training; to coordinate and expand neighborhood communications; and to foster fire prevention, resilience, and safety throughout the Talmadge area of San Diego.

Refer to the Talmadge coverage map boundaries below.

“The Talmadge Fire Safe Council is one of nearly 50 community Fire Safe Councils in San Diego County, supported by the umbrella organization Fire Safe Council of San Diego County

Community Fire Safe Councils have been referred to as the “neighborhood watch” in supporting San Diego’s fire safety efforts. As grassroots, community-led organizations, they mobilize residents to protect their homes, neighborhoods, and environments from wildfire. They know the unique challenges their community faces and implement such projects as hazardous fuel reduction programs, local wildfire protection planning, and homeowner training to ensure its protection.

The Fire Safe Councils of neighboring communities Kensington, Alvarado Estates, College Canyons, and Normal Heights  are local partners to increase the fire resiliency of the Mid-City / College area.

TFSC Goals
In establishing our Council goals, we recognize that fire safety involves
1) Reducing sources of ignition;
2) Increasing the resiliency of structures and property; and
3) Protecting life in the event of fire.
As a community, our goals reflect efforts in these areas and will engage the efforts of individual
residents, neighborhood collective work, cooperation with other FSCs, and the involvement of
our city services and representatives. Our goals are to:
● Reduce Vegetative Fuel and Increase Firewise Landscaping
● Upgrade the Fire Resistance of Structures Throughout the Community
● Reduce the Fire Safety Threats from Illegal Camping
● Increase Neighborhood Education and Resources and Coordinated Planning

Contact: talmadgefiresafe@gmail.com

Your Talmadge Fire Safe Council

The Talmadge community was served by a Fire Safe Council from 2007 – 2013. This
group was successful in maintaining Talmadge as a Firewise community and working to
eliminate the original wood shingle roofs from the neighborhood. After the Montezuma fire on
October 31, 2024 the neighborhood was motivated to revive the Talmadge Fire Safe Council.  Current fire council members are as follows: Sarah Richards Axford, Chair; Michael Pound, Co-Chair; Scott Caraveo, Community Outreach; Karyn Womach, Treasurer; Ron Anderson, Litter Pickers & Safety; Pam Montroy, At-Large; Arnold Gum, Web outreach; and Kelsey Tyler, At-Large

Get connected.  Click here to: “join our mailing list” to receive updates about Talmadge fire safety related topics and to ask questions.


Receive the community emergency communication including, if necessary, evacuation instructions in the event of a major emergency (fire, earthquake):

Genasys Protect is a community evacuation management tool that fire departments and other emergency responders can use to enhance communications, situational awareness, and coordination during emergencies, particularly wildfires, by providing residents with real-time alerts and safety information through a mobile app and a website.  You can download the Genasys Protect application via your application store on your mobile (look for either of the following icons)

or by clicking here from your mobile device.

Talmadge Litter Picking

The Talmadge litter picking crew not only helps keep Talmadge clean but also helps to monitor potential fire, water and other issues in our canyons such as drainage blockages and homeless encampments.  There are two Talmadge groups: the Western group led by Ron Anderson and the Eastern group led by Robin Baker.  If you’d like to participate, litter picking is done the first Sunday of the month except for January, July and September when we delay a week due to holidays. Remember if it rains on a picking day, we also delay a week. Contact Mike Baldwin, mike@baldwin-group.com, to get involved!

2024 Talmadge Halloween Fire

The blaze, on Halloween 2024, burned around 40 acres, starting near a homeless encampment at the base of the canyon along Montezuma Road.  Evacuation orders went out to large parts of Talmadge, the College Area, Kensington and Normal Heights.  Six homes were damaged, including one lost in Alvarado Estates.  Note that the Talmadge blaze occurred on a day with only a light Easterly wind (blowing from the ocean to the East).  This was a fuel driven fire on steep canyon slopes where fire in dense shrubbery spread up the canyon walls, each shrub lighting the one above it.  This was not a spark-driven fire (The Palisades fire was in large part driven by sparks spread by high winds).  The firefighters mentioned that the flames had been mostly vertical (see the picture and video below); had there been high Santa Anna wind conditions, more houses would likely have been lost.



Erosion Control for Residents Impacted by Fire

California has a fire based ecology.  Much of the former native plant life will grow back, given sufficient time.  For most, the roots are likely still alive, as well, for some, the branches.  The native oaks, for example, often will survive even the worst fires, providing a food source for many animals.  However, because the brush normally serves to slow the velocity of water flow and impact, and to hold our hillsides, sometimes, especially on steep hillsides, homeowners should consider taking additional measures to retain the soil until the native plant life grows back.  Two particularly useful and inexpensive items are rice straw wattles (sometimes called straw logs) and straw erosion control blankets.  These can be purchased relatively inexpensively at your local garden store and should be staked into the hillside.

Replanting Your Hillside

If you have been impacted by the fire, the California Native Plant Society offers a free, downloadable Fire Recovery Guide.  It is important to note that our canyons also provide homes and food for native wildlife and to, where possible, consider native plants in replanting, particularly fire resistant plants that provide food to the wildlife such as Toyon and Buckwheat.

Trees to Avoid

Avoid trees with flammable oils and resins: natural oils and resins in leaves and/or needles readily catch fire and burn quickly, contributing to rapid flame spread.  Also, clear out any dry leaves and/or needles on the ground: Fallen leaves and/or needles accumulate on ground, providing additional fuel that can easily ignite and contribute to ember production.   Manage the density of your foliage and avoid a high canopy density: Dense foliage can trap heat and facilitate the movement of flames within the canopy, further increasing the risk of ember generation.  Avoid Coniferous Trees: coniferous trees such as Lodgepole pine, Jack Pine, and Black spruce, as well as other pines, spruce, fir, and cedar contain volatile oils and resins that easily ignite and produce embers that can travel long distances in the wind, creating new fire spots.  Also, Eucalyptus: Known for their highly flammable oils and bark that readily shed during a fire, creating a large amount of combustible material.  The burning leaves will likely spread in high wind conditions creating a hazard for nearby structures.  Furthermore, certain Cypress varieties are very flammable. For example, Leyland Cypress, which have similar characteristics to conifers with their fine foliage.  Other plants to avoid include Acacia: Some species contain aromatic oils that make them highly flammable; Bay laurel: also known as pepperwood or Oregon myrtle; Palms: uncleaned palms are particularly flammable due to the dead leaves. However, the upright stature of emerging palm fronds may also easily catch embers in the heart of the tree; Juniper: Ornamental juniper is a highly flammable plant; Cypress: Leyland cypress and Italian cypress are highly flammable plants; Arborvitae: Arborvitae is a highly flammable plant; and Brazilian pepper trees (Schinusterebinthi folius) are highly flammable. They can also devastate ecosystems by destroying habitats and altering soil composition.

Fire-Resistant Plants

When planting, consider fire-resistant plants.  These plants do not readily ignite from a flame or other ignition source and their foliage and stems do no significantly contribute to the fuel load and the fire.  Also, many, such as succulents and Plumeria have a higher moisture content in the stems and leaves.  Look for plants with a low volume of dead material within the tree or bush and flame resistant chemical content.

Some fire resistant trees include: Most Fruit trees; Dogwood, Coral Trees, Honey Locust, California Walnut, Tulip tree; Coast live oak, Englemann Oak, Cork Oak; California pepper trees (Schinusmolle), Lemon bottlebrush (Callistemoncitrinus), Toyon (also a good source of food for wildlife), California holly (Heteromelesarbutifolia), Myoporum (Myoporumlaeturn), Catalina cherry (Prunuslyonii), Plumeria, and Italian buckthorn (Rhamnusalaternus).

Some fire resistant shrubs include Agave, Ceanothus, Manzanita, Yarrow, Toyon, Mallow, Cherry, Matilija Poppy, Rose, Verbena, Yucca, Aloe, and most succulents.

For more information on fire resistant plants, download the “Comprehensive Fire Resistant Plant List” from Firesafecounty.org, click here.

Lessons learned from the Los Angeles Palisades Fires

Shown below, rows of green trees survived the Palisades fire while housing structures perished.

In examining pictures from the Los Angeles Palisades fires, many live trees were left standing while houses perished.  In high wind conditions, as existed during the Palisades fires, sparks from burning brush and structures can spread rapidly, and may enter into dry attics and storage spaces via vents, light outdoor furniture and stored material such as boxes and/or piles of leaves and also light any exposed wood such as wood fences and decking.

You can harden your home against spark driven fires.  Some tips follow.

Home Hardening Against Future Fires

Most houses have attic vents to enable the attic to cool during the heat of the day.  They also have screened vents and access doors for crawl spaces under the house, often accompanied by storage of sometimes flammable items such as boxes under the crawl space.  In older homes, the vents and access doors were typically covered with 1/4 inch mesh.  To prevent spark entry, it is recommended that vents be, at least, covered with 1/16th inch mesh.  There are also CalFire approved and tested vents that are designed to provide excellent airflow and advanced protection against flame and ember penetration.  A list of approved vent manufacturers is available via firesafemarin.org or by clicking on the link above.  Approved manufacturers include Brandguard, Vulcan and O’Hagin.  Here’s a quick description of those three vendors.  Vulcan Vents block embers using a stainless steel mesh combined with an intumescent honeycomb that allows air to flow freely but, in the presence of high heat, will swell the vent shut, creating an active fire wall.  Brandguard vents combine a unique baffle design that encourages air flow while trapping embers and a proprietary intumescent material that expands in the presence of high heat or flames to seal the vent, preventing fire and ember intrusion into the attic.  O’Hagin Fire & Ice vents use a stainless steel interior matrix to act as a barrier against flames and embers, providing for attic ventilation while protecting against fire intrusion. For more information on vent fire protection research, read and/or download, “Vulnerability of vents to wind-blown embers.”

In addition to vents, consider covering or replacing exposed wood with non-flammable materials.  For example, stucco, tile, metal, cement and Class A flame resistant wood alternatives (such as TimberTech).

The last five feet to the house is the last line of defense.  Any significant fire here may ignite the house.  Therefore, clear all stored items, wood tables, boxes, dried leaves and any other flammable items out from around the house.  If you must, install a shed away from the house to store these items.

Remove any brush and/or shrubbery away from the last five feet buffer area.  Trim any trees that enter the last five feet out of the buffer area, particularly any that are in proximity to the eaves of the house.  Similarly, remove any branches that may be over the roof or lying on the roof on the house or against the side of the house.  Even if your house has a flame resistant coating such as stucco, exposure to direct flame from burning branches and/or other flammable materials may damage the stucco and expose the frame of the house to direct flame.

Replace any flammable wood boards, gates, and fences with non-flammable materials such as metal, hardy board, or cement.  It is particularly important to remove any wood in direct contact with the outside of the house, as ignition of wood in direct contact may crack the stucco exterior and expose the frame of the house to direct flame and/or embers.

Reduce the fuel load in the last 35 feet around the house and/or between the house and the edge of the canyon.  Avoid really dense shrubs and trees, particularly ones with dead leaves that accumulate within the shrub or tree; for example, Juniper, Podocarpus and Brazilian Pepper trees can accumulate lots of dead leaves within the shrubbery.  Also, if you have a tree or shrub that accumulates dead leaves that you’re not removing, at least regularly remove the dead leaves.  Thin and checkerboard shrubbery to avoid direct shrub to shrub contact and trim low overhanging branches upwards to avoid shrub to tree branch contact.  The idea is to isolate any fires from other shrubs/trees that have not yet burned to eliminate or at least slow the spread of the fire.  Furthermore, fire burns upwards, so you may need more spacing and/or more judicious choice of flame-resistant plantings if you live on a steep canyon area.

For existing trees, consider thinning out the branches and trimming the foliage so that it is high off the ground.  This is often called “lollipopping.”  Remove any highly flammable trees (pines, palms, bamboo, eucalyptus) in near proximity to the house and create breaks in “walls” of foliage so that fire does not have a direct pathway along the foliage.  The last thing you need in a wildfire, is a wall of flame close to your house.

For further information on Fire-Smart landscaping, CalFire provides the following web page.  The size and shape, particularly of Zones 1 and 2 will also depend on your lot size, house, topography and situation.

1985 Normal Heights Fire
Approximately 2 miles west of Talmadge, a fire fueled by heavy brush and strong winds raced up a series of Mission Valley canyons on June 30, 1985. The Normal Heights Fire destroyed 76 houses and damaged 57 others. Heavy brush in the canyons and around the houses on the canyon rim propelled the fire. 1,000 to 1,500 people were evacuated. It was, at the time, the worst brush fire in San Diego history.

Fire Hazard vs. Fire Risk
The majority of Talmadge (north of Monroe Avenue) is located within the City’s highest fire hazard zone – Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. While the fire hazard is rated very high, an individual can reduce their risk of fire by following City fire safety codes, regulations, and recommendations. Fire hazard is based on factors such as fuel (material that can burn), slope and fire weather. Fire Risk considers the potential for damage based on factors such as the ability of a fire to ignite the structure, the flammability of the construction material, and mitigation measures that reduce the risk. These mitigation measures include defensible space, building design, ignition resistant building materials, and ignition resistant construction techniques.

Defensible Space
Per City of San Diego brush management regulations (see BULLETIN #1: BRUSH MANAGEMENT GUIDE), defensible space is the landscape between your house and the potential fuel source (dense stands of native or naturalized vegetation). Note that the defensible space is divided into two Zones. See the Bulletin for regulations within each Zone. The maximum dimension of Zone 1 is 35’. Zone 1 is not allowed on slopes with gradient greater than 4:1 (4 horizontal feet to 1 vertical foot). In general, Zone 1 extends from the edge of the structure to the top edge of the canyon slope (rear yard depth), or 35’, whichever is less. Zone 2 is the remaining distance to the allowable limits of brush management. The following table shows examples of Zone dimensions based on rear yard depth.

The standard depth for defensible space in the City is 100′. However, due to a Fire Fuel Load report previously submitted to the City of San Diego Fire Chief, Talmadge canyon residents have an additional 50′ added to Zone 2 for a total defensible space of 150′. The increased defensible space requirement will result in additional protection for Talmadge residents.

Modified definition of defensible space for residents of Talmadge:

Note that brush management activities within coastal sage scrub, maritime succulent scrub, and coastal sage-chaparral habitats are prohibited from March 1 through August 15, during Gnatcatcher nesting season, except where documented to the satisfaction of the City Mayor’s Designee that the thinning and pruning would be consistent with conditions of species coverage described in the City of San Diego’s MSCP Subarea Plan.

Brush Thinning Responsibility
Canyon owners are not just responsible for brush management to protect their own home; they are also responsible for brush management in areas of their property that are within 150’ of a neighbor’s home. Per the City of San Diego Municipal Code Section 142.0412(l), (see CH14 ART2 DIV4 on page 32, text is highlighted) “Brush management for existing structures shall be performed by the owner of the property that contains the native and naturalized vegetation. This requirement is independent of whether the structure being protected by brush management is owned by the property owner subject to these requirements or is on neighboring property.”

Permission to Thin Brush on Adjacent Property
If the creation of defensible space requires thinning on adjacent properties, permission from the adjacent property owner must be obtained. If the adjacent property is owned by the City, a right of entry permit will be required. An application for right of entry can be initiated online here.

Potential Causes of Fire in Canyons and Natural Areas
According to the San Diego Fire Department, by far the most common source of fire in canyons is from human activity. Canyon slopes with pedestrian access and/or roadways at the bottom have the highest hazard. In these locations the fire source could be the result of accidental ignition from car fires, negligence in discarding cigarette butts or deliberate arson.

In Talmadge, slopes adjacent to Montezuma Road, Fairmount Avenue, Aldine Drive and above Collwood Boulevard are in this category. The interior Talmadge canyon surrounded by Lucille, Caroline, Louise, Lorraine, Jean, Miracle and Natalie Drives, and a portion of Adams Avenue, does not have any roadways or authorized pedestrian access. However canyon Rim owners should be vigilant and report any unauthorized or suspicious people in the canyon to the 24 hour non-emergency police number (619-531-2000).

Transient encampments are extremely dangerous and should be reported and removed as quickly as possible. For transient encampments on private property please contact the property owner and use the City of San Diego’s Get It Done app to notify the City. Also send an email to TFSC at talmadgefiresafe@gmail.com to keep our community informed.

As everyone already knows, any smoke, fire or activity related to arson should be reported by calling 9-1-1 immediately. In the event that the police and/or City is contacted regarding fire or canyon issues, please follow up with an email to the Talmadge Fire Safety Committee at talmadgefiresafe@gmail.com


Helpful Links

Ask a Firefighter or Paramedic
If you have a question for a firefighter or a paramedic, you can submit your question online and receive your answer via email here.

Wildfire Zone
A County website dedicated to fire safety with links and publications here.

City of San Diego Brush Management Guidelines

City of San Diego Open Space Parks Brush Management Program