Neighborhood Watch

Talmadge Neighborhood Watch prevents and reduces crime through community education, neighborhood volunteerism, and police and local government involvement. Block Captains and “BlockWatch” groups on are components of Neighborhood Watch, promoting awareness among neighbors and bringing us together! Our neighborhood watch is part of Talmadge’s commitment to a strong and safe community. Talmadge Neighborhood Watch works in connection with The Talmadge Patrol, both of which utilize social media tools such as Googlegroup,, and this website to keep the neighborhood informed.  In Talmadge, everyone is Neighborhood Watch!

Talmadge Neighborhood Watch has a Block Captain Program in place to encourage neighbors who live in close proximity to watch out for the safety of all. Block Captains keep neighbors informed regarding crime trends and crime prevention. Connected, informed, and watchful blocks are safer blocks and make for a safer neighborhood. Not all blocks in Talmadge have a Block Captain volunteer.  If you’d like to know if your block has a captain or are interested in becoming a Block Captain, please contact Mo McElroy at

Our SDPD Community Relations Officer is Officer Terry Hoskins. He works closely with Talmadge Patrol and Block Captains to fight crime and urges all neighbors to follow-up with him on any crime information or concerns. Contact our CRO via email at or via his cell number: (760) 807-9957.

If you would like to learn more about our annual National Night Out, volunteering as a block captain, or learning about your BlockWatch group, please contact

Talmadge is located within the Mid City Division of the SDPD. The Mid City Division serves a population of more than 173,000 people and encompasses 12.8 square miles. The Mid City police station is located at 4310 Landis Street, San Diego, California, 92105. Contact

Click here for more information about how and when to call the police.

National Night Out

National Night Out is a community event every year on the first Tuesday in August. In the past, we have had food trucks, sno-cones, donuts, cookies and glowsticks provided by community members and local sponsors.  We are often joined by representatives of our city council member, the mayor and the San Diego Police Department. The event concludes with a community walk through the neighborhood, escorted by our very own Talmadge Watch and Patrol vehicle at dusk. This annual event serves to reinforce our partnership with SDPD and our commitment to crime prevention and safety for all of our residents.


Safe Holiday Tips from SDPD Mid-City

Civil Action Guide 8:2013