Talmadge Maintenance Assessment District Lighting Master Plan – April 2004
The Talmadge Lighting Master Plan will address the following issues:
1. Identify the location of the power for each circuit.
2. Define the lights supported by each circuit.
3. Identify, and get period reports, from the City of the maintenance costs charged to TMAD
4. Define a method for resolving the intersection cobra head light issue.
5. Work with the City departments on the “Undergrounding Project” of Talmadge.
6. Lighting of the east side of Talmadge, east of 49th Street.
7. Lighting of the north side of Talmadge, north of Adams Ave and west of 49th Street.
8. Include gate installation on all street east of 49th Street and on the east end of Monroe Ave.
9. Address converting the three (3) remaining 500 V circuits to 110V or 240V, defining how many circuits will be needed.
10. Coordinate with the El Cajon BID to install lighting between Monroe Ave and El Cajon Blvd.
11. Maintain the district lights and gates.
Talmadge Area Lighting Layout
The TMAD Lighting Committee will identify a contractor, City or private, to create a layout of the proposed lighting and 5,000V conversion lights. This plan will be created prior to any light installation to define the most cost effective method of circuit layout. Included in the efforts is to obtain from the City layouts of the updated lighting in Zone 2.
City Accounting of Lighting Cost
The lighting committee will work with the Parks & Recreation and Streets divisions of the City to obtain accurate accounting of how TMAD funds are spent on maintenance projects. Lighting maintenance costs consist of two parts:
1. Covers the energy cost of the lights
2. Concerns the maintenance associated with the poles, globes, and circuits.
The intent is to obtain a cost for each par for each period.
Intersection Lighting
The lighting committee will work to assure that the City provides its share of costs to the lighting of the neighborhood. A June 2001 City Manager’s Report (no. 01-128) identifies decorative lighting as special benefit and therefore district lighting. We feel that the City must provide the neighborhood with the funds it would normally spend for the lighting in the area. We do not expect the City to spend more in TMAD than they would spend to meet the approved lighting standard.
The issues for TMAD are two fold:
1. The old candlestick lighting in Zone 2. These lights have been in place for over 70+ years and have historically been split between TMAD and “Safety Lights” based on the City lighting distribution.
2. The new lights in Zone 1 will need to be addressed with the City separately.
Undergrounding Project
The City plans to under ground the utilities across the City to remove the visual blights of the poles and lines, as well as to update the infrastructure. Talmadge will be one of the first beneficiaries of the new assessment to pay for this effort. The assessment is part of the regular SDG&E bill.
Most of Zone 1 will be part of the first project slated to start in 2005 and completing in 2007. Future projects will continue the efforts in a westerly direction.
The lighting committee will work with the Undergrounding project to obtain four significant benefits:
1. Through the lighting layout contractor we will add the lighting circuit layout to the Undergrounding base map.
2. The Undergrounding base map will reduce the costs of permitting individual lighting projects since all the utility information will be present.
3. The Undergrounding will install the SDG&E power connections needed for the lighting circuits.
4. The Undergrounding will install the conduit and lighting in their trenches for the cost of material cost only.
The Undergrounding Project process takes place in four steps:
1. Dig the trenches in the street and lay the conduit.
2. Install the services, connection points.
3. Install wires and energize the circuits.
4. Make connections to the buildings (each will have two service points for a short while), and then remove the overhead connections and the poles.
SDG&E will proved conversion for each house but will require a waiver. Additionally, homeowners may work with SDG&E to make sure the connections are made as desired. However, additional work such as panel upgrades will be the responsibility of the homeowner.
Zone 1 Lighting
As per the TMAD Master Plan it is the committee’s intent to install candlestick lighting in all of Talmadge. This come to approximately 210 lights in Zone 1. An average of 15 lights can be powered by one circuit, which means about 14 circuits will be required. The project will proceed in full circuit quantities. In addition, the streets east of 49th Street (south of Monroe) and Monroe Ave. at the east end of Talmadge will obtain replica gates.
Zone 2 Lighting
Zone 2 already has candlestick lighting installed. However, there are still a couple of projects to be completed:
1. 5,0000V lighting circuits – There are currently three circuits remaining that are of the old series 5,000V variety. The circuits consist of 18, 32, and 32 lights, for a total of 90 lights. During the Undergrounding efforts these circuits will need to be converted. It is our intention to allow the Undergrounding efforts to carry out the conversion.
2. Traffic Circle Arches – Three arches with lights will be added to the traffic circle. At this point the lighting will be powered from a circuit breaker on the power pedestal installed on the traffic circle. In the future it is anticipated that the circle will power some of the conversion lights. At that time the pedestal will be converted to a metered/un-metered pedestal and the lights will be counted as TMAD lights. In the mean time the power will be paid for from the traffic circle maintenance costs.
3. Historic Talmadge Gates – The Historic Corridor Committee is working on renovating the existing gates that are located on the south end of Monroe. This includes the gates on Highland Ave., Euclid Ave., 48th Street, Estrella Ave., and 49th Street. Additional gates on Adams Ave., Madison Ave., Monroe Ave. & 47th Street, Menlo Ave., and 44th Street will need to be considered by the lighting committee. Attention must be paid to the historic issues within the corridor.
Coordination with the ECBBID
The El Cajon Boulevard BID will install lights on the feeder street south of Monroe Ave. to El Cajon Blvd. The goal is to work with the City, who will design and install the lights, to leave room for TMAD lights south of Monroe Ave. This will eliminate the need to trench across Monroe Ave.
The first set of 14 lights will be on the east side running from Marcellena Road to 50th Street. The poles will be of the Aegen style from the Amerion Corp. with a Lumec L-50 globe, and 100 W HPS fixtures.
The lighting committee will work with the various City departments (Parks & Recreation and Streets) to maintain the lighting within the TMAD. The lighting committee will also provide the Board will annual budget requirements.
Other Lighting Information
Pole Options:
1. Concrete
2. Steel
3. Aluminum
4. Fiberglass
From a cost, maintenance, and appearance stand point the concrete poles are the best option. They also match the current piles used in the neighborhood.
The concrete pole will be an Aegan style from Amerion Corp. This is a direct match to the existing Talmadge poles. The pole is 13.5 ft in height, will be black in color, with anti-graffiti coating. The advantages of a slightly tall pole are better light distribution and a reduced risk of vandalism. It is the intent of the lighting committee to have all poles within the TMAD painted black.
The current City standard requires that the globes be of a half cutoff variety. This is done to minimize the light pollution that would otherwise be sent skyward and not provide lighting to the street or sidewalks.
The Lumes L=50 or the Visionaire Lighting, New Orleans style, model NDA-1 will a black cast aluminum finial on top meet this requirement.
The plan is to use 240V light fixtures since more lights can be placed on the same circuit, which will minimize installation costs. The operating costs will not be significantly affected by this choice. In some case the power source mat be mandate the use of a 120V fixture. The fixtures at the intersections may be different depending on City requirements.
The mid-block lights will have reflectors that concentrate the light down to the sidewalks and streets and away from house windows.
Footings will follow City of San Diego Standard Drawing SDE-101
Trenches will follow San Diego Regional Standard Drawing G-33 and G-35.
The following contractors could potentially provide lighting installation for TMAD:
1. Ace Electric
2. HMS Construction
3. Perry Electric
4. Patterson Brothers
5. HTA Construction
6. 3D Enterprises
7. Lekos Electric
Respectively submitted by the TMAD Lighting Sub-Committee 2004.
If you have questions or would like to volunteer for this committee, please contact Kelly Waggonner at tmadchair@talmadge.org