Greetings, Talmadge neighbors! My name is Bret Caslavka, and I want to be your representative for San Diego Unified School District B Board of Education.
I was raised in the Midwest by parents who believed commitment to community builds equity, safe neighborhoods and quality education. After earning my Masters of Education for the University of Nebraska at Kearney, I have dedicated the past 30 years to improving health and education through my Pilates practice, where I work with children and adults with all levels of fitness.
In 2010 I founded Youth to the Core, Inc. a California 501(c)(3) non-profit that brings standardized physical and health education curriculums to schools for Pre/K-6. We currently work with over 150 students in the San Diego Unified School District.
As the Finance Chairperson and Property Committee Advisor for Christ United Presbyterian Church the past 7 years, my experience managing budgets, negotiating contracts and communicating with individuals passionate about their concerns, I bring a complete package to the position of School Board Trustee.
My message is simple. Kids First!
This can be achieved by bringing systemic change in the way Board Members are elected on the Board of Education by making it District-only elections by the people they serve, and there should be term limits. The San Diego Grand Jury investigation recently found these two items develop quality education for our students and bring opportunities for change within the entire district. I support placing these two measures on the ballot to allow voters to reclaim their neighborhoods, provide families with choices for education and provide the resources needed to bring quality education to our youth.
The San Diego School District faces fiscal woes and a decaying infrastructure and we need leaders who will restore fiscal accountability and help rebuild confidence in our schools. I am an educator, not a well-connected politician, and my background in education means I can restore accountability to our local schools.
All candidates are required to collect 200 signatures to be placed on the ballot and I’d like your support. This is not a signature for a vote it is only for ballot placement. I would like to hear your voice and meet new neighbors so together we can establish change.
Please join me for: Cookies with Caslavka at the Talmadge Roundabout!
FREE Girl Scout Cookies and Lemonade
Saturday, March 3 from noon-2 p.m. and Sunday, March 4 from 2-3 p.m.
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