Residents, property owners, and business operators in Talmadge enjoy representation and participation in our many vital organizations.
Interested in City planning and want to learn more about development projects in and around the neighborhood? Begin as a meeting attendee, become a committee volunteer, and perhaps serve as a planning board-member in our community! Get involved in the KTPG, TMAD, or the ECBBIA.
Want to help stop crime and learn more about crime prevention? Want to voice your concerns and take action? Get involved in Talmadge Watch & Patrol and attend Talmadge Community Council meetings.
Want to help throw the best darn neighborhood party in San Diego? Join the Summer planning of the Talmadge Community Party and volunteer at the Block Party event, held every Fall season. Want to socialize year-round and fundraise for our Kensington town center? Consider joining the Ken-Tal Community Association
Have a home-based or brick & mortar business? Check out the Ken-Tal Business Association.
No matter your interest, there is a Talmadge organization for you, right here:
The Talmadge Community Council (TCC) is a neighborhood open forum for residents and property owners in San Diego’s Talmadge community. The TCC Chair facilitates a bi-monthly meeting consisting of reports from relevant City of San Diego officials, Talmadge organizations [Talmadge Maintenance Assessment District (TMAD), Kensington-Talmadge Planning Group (KTPG), Talmadge Patrol, and Neighborhood Watch], and agenda […]
Learn moreThe Talmadge Watch: Volunteer Citizens Patrol (TW:VCP) is a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax-exempt organization. The Patrol program is designed to deter criminal activity in the Talmadge neighborhood by providing a visible presence of volunteer security patrols on all neighborhood streets and alleys. 619-453-8268 Participants are trained to “observe and report” criminal activity and suspicious activity to the […]
Learn moreThe Kensington-Talmadge Planning Group (KTPG) advises the City of San Diego on matters of land use, project development, public infrastructure projects, and community character in the Kensington and Talmadge communities. It is also the City of San Diego’s primary means of communicating with the Kensington and Talmadge neighborhoods on these types of issues. Visit […]
Learn moreIn a Maintenance Assessment District (MAD), property owners within the district pay for and receive a special benefit of services above-and-beyond what the City of San Diego provides. The citizen advisory committee working with the City for the Talmadge Maintenance Assessment District (TMAD) is an elected Board of Directors and subcommittee volunteers from within the […]
Learn moreProperties that are south of Monroe Avenue in Talmadge are not included within the TMAD district but are included in the El Cajon Boulevard Business Improvement District (ECBBID). This includes all properties, both residential and commercial, from the 805 to 54th Street south of Meade/Monroe and north of Orange Avenue. MAD Engineer Reports can be […]
Learn moreThe Annual Talmadge Community Party (formerly known as Talmadge Block Party) was founded as a way for the community to come together to foster community values and neighborhood spirit. The party features live music, games, food, kids & adult activities, and prizes. Hundreds of neighbors attend this wonderful annual event, as well as local businesses, […]
Learn moreThe KTBA provides networking opportunities for Kensington and Talmadge business owners, promotes patronage of local businesses, collaborates with other local organizations, and supports and gives back to the community. Our membership includes business owners who live in and/or own a business located in Kensington-Talmadge. We provide networking opportunities for our members to mingle with fellow […]
Learn moreThe Kensington-Talmadge Community Association was organized in 1941 as a “Service and Fellowship Association for the Welfare and Happiness of the Kensington-Talmadge Communities.” We are a not-for-profit group. Annual dues collected on a volunteer basis from our residents and local businesses support the operation and maintenance of the iconic Kensington sign that crosses Adams Avenue. […]
Learn moreThe Talmadge litter picking crew is a spin-off of Kensington’s crew organized by the KSAC. There are two Talmadge groups which cover different areas, the Western group led by Ron Anderson and the Eastern group led by Robin Baker. All dates are the first Sunday of the month except for January, July and September when […]
Learn moreNew to Talmadge? If you recently moved to Talmadge, let us welcome you! The volunteers from Talmadge Neighborhood Welcome have a welcome packet and some goodies to deliver to your new home. Please contact the Welcome Chair, Kathy McClelland, at In your email, please include your name, address, phone, and date you moved in; […]
Learn moreTalmadge Fire Safe Council (TFSC) is a volunteer organization established to promote fire safety for all residents of Talmadge. The mission of the Talmadge Fire Safe Council (Tal-FSC) is to provide a neighborhood forum for the exchange of information through proactive outreach, education, and training; to coordinate and expand neighborhood communications; and to foster fire […]
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